Sous Vide for Everybody
Master the Best Cooking Innovation in a Generation
Easy, convenient, and hands-off. Sous vide cooking is a relatively new technique to arrive in the home kitchen. French for “under vacuum” because it often involves sealing food in plastic, sous vide allows you to cook food gently in an automatic water bath to the perfect temperature. From the perfect seared steak to crème brûlée with the ideal consistency, sous vide makes cooking easier and more foolproof, taking away all the guesswork and giving you back free time.
A thorough front section explains sous vide cooking and where it originated, offers how-tos and what-you’ll-needs including our picks for the best sous vide devices, and a Q&A that will make you a sous vide savant.
"Worth its weight in gold for the practical cook who wants to feel confident about putting good food on the table."
— Detroit News

75+ Recipes


232 Pages

Quick & Easy

Kitchen Tested
More from The Book:
What is sous vide?
Even if you weren’t familiar with sous vide before picking up this book, chances are you’ve eaten food prepared this way. In the past decade, this method—cooking food in a precisely controlled water bath—has trickled its way down from Michelin-star restaurants such as Alinea in Chicago and Per Se in New York to chains including Chipotle, Panera, and Starbucks. And now it has entered the home kitchen.
Here’s how it works A sous vide machine (also called an immersion circulator) is used to preheat a water bath to a precise temperature. Food is sealed in plastic bags (though not always; you can also sous vide in glass jars, and eggs can be cooked right in their shells) and immersed in the bath. The food eventually reaches the same temperature as the water, which is often set to the ideal serving temperature of the final dish. For meat, poultry, and fish, there is usually a quick searing step before serving. This differs from conventional stovetop and oven methods, in which the heat used is much higher than the serving temperature of the food, making it imperative to remove the food at just the right moment, when it’s done but not overcooked.
Cook Along with Bridget and Julia
Enjoy mastering a new recipe while tuning in to and following along with new episodes of America’s Test Kitchen with all-new recipes. Every recipe that has appeared on the show is in this cookbook, along with the test kitchen's indispensable notes and tips. You’ll also find a shopping guide that shows what ingredients the ATK Reviews team recommends so that you can re-create the exact dish you see on your screen.
New and Improved Shopping Guide
Enjoy mastering a new recipe while tuning in to and following along with new episodes of America’s Test Kitchen with all-new recipes. Every recipe that has appeared on the show is in this cookbook, along with the test kitchen's indispensable notes and tips. You’ll also find a shopping guide that shows what ingredients the ATK Reviews team recommends so that you can re-create the exact dish you see on your screen.